Lemonade on the Lawn


Older adults have a special place in our hearts. Kids Impact Community has hosted intergenerational playgroups since the organization’s inception. Our kiddos have learned patience, kindness, and how to make new friends of all ages, and our grandfriends benefit tremendously from the interaction with our children.


Your family will be reading with residents and serving lemonade in an outdoor area at Eastcastle (2505 E Bradford Place). We will also do an art activity.


Spending time connecting with and engaging with adults from other generations


We hope that all of the children participating will grow in awareness of their capability to spread love and kindness to others

When & Where

Tuesday, June 20th at 10:30 am

Eastcastle Place

2505 E Bradford Place, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Please meet at the outdoor main entrance, however, if you don’t see us or you are running late the lawn entrance is located on Bradford right by the corner of Bradford and Downer.

Parking: Street parking is available on Bradford Place or Stowell Ave. Please allow some time to find parking.

Registration Information

Participant Cap: 25 families

Age: All ages welcome!

Cost: No cost

Materials: Bring a favorite book or two and a blanket to sit on

Questions: Contact [email protected] with any questions.

Cancellations: In the event that circumstances change and you are no longer able to assist, please email [email protected].

CDC UPDATE from 12/2021:

Liability Waiver with COVID-19 precaution acknowledgments:

I, the undersigned and/or parent/guardian of the individual(s) named above, do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Kids Impact Community, and its agent from and against any and all liability resulting from participation in the project listed above. I understand that the project (s) in which I am enrolling, like all activity programs, has some inherent risk, for which I agree to assume the liability. Furthermore, the individuals named herein are in good health appropriate for the activities in which they will be participating.  Additionally, I confirm that all statements below are true for myself and anyone in my household.

1. No one in my family has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past week nor is anyone currently under quarantine.

2. No one in my family experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath) in the past week.

3. No one in my family has come into contact with anyone testing positive for COVID-19 in the past week.

4. No one in my family has, to my knowledge, been exposed to or come into contact with someone with or presumed to have COVID-19 in the past week.

For KIC promotion purposes, photographs may be taken of participants. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, please notify the photographer or instructor. No names or any other identifying information will be shared if the photograph is used unless requested.

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