Help bring joy to our grandfriends living throughout the Milwaukee area by having your children make artwork provided in our art kits. Eras Senior Network is a local volunteer organization whose mission is to “brighten the everyday lives of low-income senior citizens”. They need our help creating decorations to get their space ready to celebrate the holidays!
Kids will complete three projects using the materials supplied in KIC’s art kit. Participants are encouraged to add any special touches to the projects to make them unique in ways that only kids can! Feel free to dig into your own art and craft supplies to add additional personality.
You will pick up a storage bag that will contain supplies and directions for the projects. Details of the projects and pictures of examples of completed projects will be provided in the follow-up email you will receive after signing up. If families need supplies not normally provided to complete the projects, please contact Kristen, our project leader at KIC.
The recipients of the artwork would love to receive a photo of your child(ren) and/or a note to accompany their artwork if you are comfortable with that.
Kids will have the opportunity to tap into their creativity and learn that something they create can bring joy to others.
When & Where
Assemble the art kits at home. Pick up a prepared art kit from the front porch box at 5524 N Diversey Blvd., Whitefish Bay between Nov. 5-15 between the hours of noon and 9 p.m.
Return completed artwork in the storage bag to the same address by Nov. 22 any time before 6 p.m. Projects can be turned in any day between the pickup and drop-off dates.
Registration Information
Participant Cap: We will have 20 Art Kits prepared for November.
Please indicate how many art kits you would like during registration. KIC will only register the number of people that matches the number of art kits you need (for example, if two of your children need an art kit, only fill out the information for two people on the registration form). A follow-up email will be sent to confirm the requested number of kits and provide more information about the project.
Age: All ages
Cost: Free
Materials: Scissors, glue, paint, stapler, and crayons/markers. Use your own craft supplies at home to enhance your projects. Creativity is encouraged! If your family would like to participate but is in need of any supplies, please let Kristin Sherman know after receiving the follow-up email and KIC can supply your family with these materials.
Questions: Please contact Kristin Sherman at [email protected] with any questions.
Our Partner
For more information about Eras Senior Network, visit their website.