What an abundant turnout! We had enough food and drinks to fill 45 overflowing lunch sacks plus extra to leave as snacks for the hardworking children and teens of All Peoples Church. Our toddlers and big kids were eager to help, and our task was accomplished within 30 minutes — record timing!
We loved meeting new friends today! We had new moms and a dad join us with their children and a grandmother stopped by to donate a huge box of chips. We are thankful for the help of so many within our community.
More families came along today to All Peoples Church to see Kids Working To Succeed in action — an amazing opportunity to see volunteerism at its best! We were greeted with “hellos” and “welcomes” and learned that mint leaves are a great source of Vitamin C, forks help kids identify what is a plant (not a weed) and non-genetically altered strawberries are smaller, have thin skin and are delicious!
Our next official date for Sack Pack #3 is Tuesday, July 21st. Christ Church will provide the food, and we will provide the “kid power.” When we delivered lunches today, we learned that there is a need for lunches on a few dates between now and the 21st. We would like to set up an impromptu Sack Pack before the end of July. Stay tuned to your email for an update. If you would like to be added to our email list, please complete the contact form on this website.
Kudos to our TOAM families for making today such a SUCCESS!