Summer Lemonade Stand for a Cause


Do your little entrepreneurs love running summer Lemonade Stands? Put those budding small business skills to work and invite your kids to host a lemonade stand for Kids Impact Community (KIC)!

KIC provides service projects throughout the year at no cost to our participating families. The donations from these lemonade stands will help KIC put on future projects to support our community.


From creative marketing to financial management, your kids will get to take charge. Encourage your children to create a flyer or use one of our templates (which will be sent following registration) to market their lemonade stand. We also have a tracker sheet that they can use. This will help your kids track their sales and identify how much they will be able to give back. We will give you information on how to give your profits back to KIC once you register. You can choose to donate some, all, or a part of the profits.


Your kids will get to use their energy and passion to help give back to KIC and fund further projects for our community. They will learn how to engage their circle of neighbors, friends, and families to support a great cause.

When & Where

Host a lemonade stand at any point throughout the summer on your front lawn or in your neighborhood.

Registration Information

Age: All ages. Great for the whole family!

Cost: However much you’d like to spend on lemonade stand supplies.

Questions: Email [email protected] with any specific questions.

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