Join KIC as we partner with the Salvation Army of Milwaukee County to join their long-standing holiday tradition of ringing bells to fill the red kettles!
Children and their families will engage with community members by offering cheerful holiday greetings, singing carols (if you’d like), and ringing the red kettlebells. This is a very fun and joyful family activity!
Children will experience how their actions help fill the red kettle and bring smiles to community members. They will also see that many small donations create a large one and everyone’s contribution makes a difference.
When & Where
Saturday, Dec. 7 from 4-6 p.m.
Pick ‘n Save in Brookfield by Greenfield and Moorland
15170 W. Greenfield Ave
Families can sign up for a 30-minute shift. Within 48 hours of registering, you will receive an email with a Google doc to sign up for a specific shift. If you have some, kindly bring your own noise maker/bells and note there may not be enough red aprons for all family members.
- – Can’t make it? Join us on Dec. 14 in Whitefish Bay for the morning shift or afternoon shift.
Registration Information
Participant Cap: Four families
Ages: All ages welcome!
Cost: Free
Questions: Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Cancelations: Please contact [email protected] ASAP in the event of a cancellation so we can add waitlisted families to the event.
Our Partner
The donations collected from ringing the bell with the Salvation Army support more than 80 programs and services in Milwaukee County, including the Salvation Army Toy Shop, the Backpack and School Supplies Program, Coats for Kids, Christmas Family Feast, the Emergency Lodge, and two food pantries. Learn more about the Salvation Army’s impact on their website.