Not everyone can be a foster family, but everyone can do something to impact kids and families involved in foster care. OneHope27’s mission is to bring hope to kids and families involved in foster care in Milwaukee County through support and connection. Every month OneHope27 drops off 100 new placement bags that include items a child needs for the first day/night stay in a foster care home, such as new pajamas, personal care items, and an encouraging card.
Registration Information:
Participant Cap: 4-5 families or about 15 volunteers
Age: 5 years and older
Cost: Free.
If your family is interested in donating items for the placement bags, please visit OneHope27’s Target registry to see a list of the items they need. Take your kiddos shopping and invite them to pick out items to bring on the day of the project. They can then pack the items they picked out into a placement bag!
Cancellations: Please contact [email protected] asap in the event of a cancellation so we can add waitlisted families to the event.
Questions: Please contact [email protected] with any questions. We will send you an email to confirm registration and touch base before the event.
OneHope27 receives donations of new items for the placement bags. Your family will help sort through donations and pack placement bags that will be distributed to kids in a foster care home and provide much needed items, support, and comfort.
Help kids in foster care feel supported and loved!
Kids can grow awareness in their capability to help others through empathy and dignity.
When and Where:
Saturday, May 20
9-11 a.m.
First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa
1511 Church St, Wauwatosa, WI 53213
More Information: Learn more about OneHope27 on their website.