Decorate placemats for Thanksgiving or another winter holiday meal delivery for low-income seniors in Milwaukee and throughout southeastern Wisconsin. Community Projects for Seniors Holiday Meal Program delivers free, hot-and-hearty, ready-to-eat meals on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas to approximately 4,000 low-income seniors living in subsidized apartment buildings. A kid-designed holiday placemat is delivered with each meal!
Individuals who sign up for a meal usually don’t have family in the area (or at all), don’t have a place to go for the holidays (or access to transportation), can’t easily walk or drive (due to weather and/or a disability), can’t afford to buy a holiday meal or find it physically challenging to cook. Meal recipients report that they love their Holiday Meals; not just the yummy food, but also the loving experience volunteers provide them.
This is where our kids come in! This is a great opportunity for families of all ages as well as large groups of kids through Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sports teams, etc.
Decorate a paper placemat for the holidays for low-income seniors in Milwaukee and throughout southeastern Wisconsin.
- Pick out a piece of paper. Whatever you have at home is great!
(Construction paper size: 11×17 is ideal but 8.5×11 works too!) - Select your favorite medium: sharpies, crayons, paints, colored pencils, etc.
- Feel free to add some bling: sequins, puffy paint, glitter glue, etc. Sky is the limit!
- Consider adding a one-liner joke or an inspirational phrase or word. Keep these positive and bright or humorous and fun!
- Ask your child to write their first name, age, and “Kids Impact Community” somewhere on their completed placemat
- Pick out a piece of paper. Whatever you have at home is great!
Your kids will create human connections, help fight loneliness, and build community by brightening the lives of senior citizens who are in need of some extra love this holiday season.
When & Where
Create these placemats at your home!
Thanksgiving Placemats Arrival Deadline: Friday, November 22
Winter Holiday Placemats Arrival Deadline: Wednesday, Dec. 18
Mail To/Drop off: Community Projects for Seniors
3073 S. Chase Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 532107
Or a leader home in Bayside. Address to be provided after registration.
Registration Information
Participant Cap: Community Projects for Seniors needs to collect 4,000 placemats!
Age: All ages
Cost: Free
Materials: Whatever paper and art supplies you have at home.
Questions: Email [email protected].
Cancellations: In the event that you are unable to complete your placemats, please contact [email protected].
Our Partner
Community Projects for Seniors strives to brighten the everyday lives of low-income senior citizens residing in subsidized apartment buildings through programs that fight loneliness, reduce social isolation, create human connections, and build community.
Programs include delivering free hot meals on holidays, delivering care packages, and hosting social events and nature trips. Learn more on their website.