Creating Sleeping Mats for the Homeless

Creating Sleeping Mats for the Homeless


March 26, 2025    
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Event Type


Help our neighbors struggling with housing insecurity and help the environment at the same time! Keep plastic grocery bags out of the landfill by converting them into a plastic yarn called “plarn” used by Mercy Mats of West Allis to crochet cushy sleeping mats, which will be distributed by Repairers of the Breach – Milwaukee’s only daytime homeless resource center.

It usually takes 500-700 plastic bags and about 700 hours to make one 3×6 foot sleeping mat. Last year, Mercy Mats West Allis completed and delivered 170 mats. But, don’t worry! We are only asking you to spend a couple of hours converting the bags into “plarn.” This is a great project for the whole family!

The mats are lightweight, portable, easy to clean, and offer a great barrier between the ground and the body to help retain body heat while sleeping outdoors. Staying warm can be the difference between life and death in Wisconsin’s climate. They are also frequently used at warming shelters.


We’ll teach you everything you need to know about folding, cutting, and knotting plastic bags together. There is a job for everyone! The youngest kids can flatten the bags out, fold them, and roll the plarn into balls. Slightly older kids can connect the loops and the older kids can do the cutting!


Children will see firsthand how to reuse trash and turn it into something useful! They will also learn teamwork skills as they work together as a family towards a common goal. The finished mats are a huge support to individuals struggling with housing insecurity and the programs that are working to help them secure stable housing.

When & Where

Wednesday, March 26 from 3:30-5:30 p.m.

**If you cannot stay the entire time, no problem! Just send an email to [email protected] and let me know when you will be able to arrive!

West Allis Library – Constitution Room
7421 W National Ave
West Allis, WI 53214

Registration Information

Participant Cap: 12 volunteers

Age: All ages welcome!

Cost: Free

Materials: Bring some plastic grocery bags with you! Collect and bring plastic bags from your own grocery runs and from friends and neighbors (must be clean and smoke-free) and/or pick up additional plastic bags from one of the bins at your nearest grocery store. Just note that thicker Sendiks-style bags cannot be used.

Questions: Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Cancellations: We count on our registered volunteers to make these projects come to life. However, we understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you can no longer participate, please email [email protected]  ASAP so we can fill your spot.

Our Partner

Since 2016 Mercy Mats West Allis has made 800+ mats keeping 560,000 plastic bags out of landfills! Learn more about Mercy Mats from this Fox6 segment and on their Facebook page.

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