Share your holiday spirit this season by baking yummy festive cookies with your kids that will be delivered to Dispensa de la Paz, a food pantry on the south side of Milwaukee. These cookies will fill the bellies of all participants who join the Dispensa Christmas party festivities. The cookies are a sweet treat food pantry guests might not otherwise enjoy. And just as importantly, the cookies represent an expression of care and connection during this bright season of love.
You and your child can enjoy time baking together while helping those struggling with food insecurity. Bake three dozen or more holiday-inspired cookies. Please DO NOT bake with any nuts, nut butter, nut oils, nut extracts, peanuts, or peanut butter. When registering, please indicate the amount of cookies you will be baking. These do not have to be fancy cut-out cookies. Holiday sprinkles on a “plain-jane” cookie are just as festive! While baking with your child, take this opportunity to talk about who you are baking for, how happy this special treat is going to make the recipient, and how it would make them feel to receive such a kind gift from another person.
Exploring empathy with your children while sharing holiday cheer with Milwaukee families struggling with food insecurity.
When & Where
After baking, cookies can be dropped off at either of the below locations on Dec. 17 or Dec. 18 before 1 p.m. If you need to drop off at another time, please reach out and we can make arrangements.
- – Bridget’s House in Wauwatosa (near the Zoo)
- – Jobea’s House in Glendale (near Bayshore)
Specific addresses will be sent out via email after registration. Please package cookies in non-returnable containers and label the outside with how many dozen cookies there are.
Registration Information
Participant Cap: 100 families
Ages: All ages welcome
Attire: Fun holiday attire, baking apron, or even your pajamas because this volunteer experience does not require you to leave your house!
Cost: The amount of your own baking ingredients to make the cookies.
Questions: If you have any questions, please contact Bridget at [email protected].
Cancelations: We understand that illness and emergencies can happen, so if you decide you are unable to bake after you register, please let us know by connecting with Bridget at [email protected].