Sack Pack #3 Kids Working to Succeed and Harvest Hands

“Mom, everybody likes happy.”

-Mia, two years old

“It was fun cause Peoples All Church was cool.”

-Elodie, three years old

“We got to eat with the kids that worked in the garden for a long time and it was awesome.”

-Ronan, five years old

“There where chaotic toddlers everywhere but everything still managed to get done. We packed fifty lunches!”

-TOAM Parent

Today was our third mission to pack lunches for the Kids Working to Succeed program, a part of Harvest Hands at All Peoples Church. KWTS has grown to include fifty children now. Christ Church Episcopal generously provided the food for the lunches again today. The TOAM families donated food to the All Peoples food pantry and loudly assembled the lunches.

If you would like more information, please click on the following links. 

Harvest Hands Blog -their latest post features a recipe for Rhubarb Crisp!

All Peoples Church is renovating their entire kitchen. They will now host St. Vincent de Paul’s meal program. This means APC will serve up to 500 people, five nights a week. Click here to learn more and be inspired.

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