
Community Service Projects

  • Adopt a Greenspace
    Adopt a greenspace that your group can help clean up every year! Maybe it’s on the school grounds, at a park, or along the Milwaukee River!
  • Salvation Army Holiday Bell Ringing
    Spread the joy of the season and help ring bells in Milwaukee
  • Groundwork Milwaukee
    Help plant, weed, and harvest this spring, summer, and fall at the Hoop Houses! All food gets donated to the Riverwest Food Pantry!
  • May Day
    Pick a block in your neighborhood and deliver May Day baskets!
  • Leaf Bandit
    Surprise a neighbor by raking their lawn! Place the leaves in a bag and place a note on it saying “The Leaf Bandit Was Here!” (You could also do this in the winter and shovel sidewalks, making a snowman as your note!)
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